Control Flow


if test then [else] ⇒ result*

Return values of then if test is t, otherwise return else.

(if (evenp 2) 'a) ;⇒ A
(if (evenp 3)
  'c)             ;⇒ C

and forms* ⇒ result*

Evaluate forms from left to right. Immediately return nil if one form’s value is nil, otherwise return the value of the last form.

(and (numberp 2) (evenp 2)) ;⇒ T

or forms* ⇒ results*

Evaluate forms from left to right. Immediately return value of the first non-nil evaluating form, or all values if last form is reached. Return nil if no form returns t.

(or (numberp 3) (evenp 3)) ;⇒ T

when test forms* ⇒ result*

Evaluate forms if test returns t.

(when (evenp 2)
  (print 'a)
  'b)           ;⇒ B [prints A]

unless test forms* ⇒ result*

Evaluate forms if test returns nil.

(unless (evenp 3)
  (print 'a)
  'b)           ;⇒ B [prints A]

cond (test then*)* ⇒ result*

Return the values of the first then whose test returns t, otherwise return nil if no tests pass.

(defun test (x)
  (cond ((= x 1) 'clause1)
        ((= x 2) 'clause2)
        (t 'clause3)))

(test 2)                   ;⇒ CLAUSE2
(test 9)                   ;⇒ CLAUSE3

case test (key | (key*) | otherwise form) ⇒ result*

Return the form for the first clause whose key is eql to test. If there is no otherwise clause, return nil.

If no clause matches using ccase, a correctable error is signaled allowing a store-value restart to be invoked.

If no clause matches using ecase, a non-correctable error is signaled.

(defun test (x)
  (case x
    (:a 'clause1)
    ((:b :c) 'clause2)
    (otherwise 'clause3)))

(test :a)                  ;⇒ CLAUSE1
(test :g)                  ;⇒ CLAUSE3


progn forms* ⇒ result*

Evaluates forms, in the order in which they are given.

  (print 'a)
  'b)        ;⇒ B [prints A]

multiple-value-prog1 first-form forms* ⇒ first-form-results

Save values from first-form, evaluate remaining forms, then return the the saved values from first-form.

  (values 1 2 3)
  (+ 2 2))            ;⇒ 1, 2, 3

prog1 first-form forms* ⇒ first-form-result

Evaluates first-form and then remaining forms, yielding the value from first-form.

(prog1 'a 'b 'c) ;⇒ A

prog2 first-form second-form forms* ⇒ second-form-result

Evaluates first-form, then second-form, and then remaining forms, yielding the value from second-form.

(prog2 'a 'b 'c) ;⇒ B

prog ({name | (name [value])}*) declare* {tag | form}* ⇒ result*

Evaluate tagbody-like body with names lexically bound in parallel. prog permits the use of the return and go statements. Use prog* to bind local variables sequentially.

(prog ((x 1))
    (go tag3)
    (return x)
    (go tag2)) ;⇒ 1

Blocks and Exits

block name forms* ⇒ result*

Establishes a named block and then evaluates forms as an implicit progn unless interrupted by return-from.

(block test
  (print 'printed)
  (return-from test)
  (print 'not-printed)) ;⇒ NIL [prints PRINTED]

return-from name [result] ⇒ result*

Returns control to the nearest enclosing block name, returning results.

(defun test ()
  (return-from test 'done)

(test)                     ;⇒ DONE

return [result] ⇒ result*

Returns, as if by return-from, from a block named nil, which many standard control structures generate. Equivalent to (return-from nil ...).

(dotimes (i 10)
  (print i)
  (if (> i 5) (return 'done))) ;⇒ DONE [prints 0..6]

tagbody {tag | form}* ⇒ nil

Evaluates forms in a lexical environment that provides tags for control transfers which are targets for go. Not often used since it’s easier to write iterative constructs using existing looping macros.

    (if (zerop (random 2))
      (go tag2)
      (go tag3))
    (print 'counting)
    (go tag1)
    (print 'exiting))

go tag

Transfers control to an enclosing tagbody form labeled by a tag eql to tag.

  (print 'printed)
  (go skip)
  (print 'not-printed)
  skip (print 'leaving)) ;⇒ NIL [prints PRINTED and LEAVING]

catch tag forms* ⇒ result*

Evaluate forms and return their values unless interrupted by throw.

(defun foo ()
  (catch 'exit
    (print 'enter-foo)
    (print 'not-printed-foo))
  (print 'leave-foo))

(defun bar ()
  (print 'enter-bar)
  (throw 'exit nil)
  (print 'not-printed-bar))

(foo) ;⇒ [prints ENTER-FOO, ENTER-BAR, LEAVE-FOO

throw tag form

Have the nearest dynamically enclosing catch with a tag eq tag return with the values of form.

(catch 'tag
  (print 'printed)
  (throw 'tag 'done)
  (print 'not-printed)) ;⇒ DONE [prints PRINTED]

unwind-protect protected-form cleanup-forms* ⇒ protected-form-result*

Evaluate protected-form and then, no matter how control leaves protected-form, evaluate cleanup-form. Return values of protected-form.

(catch 'exit
      (print 'printed)
      (throw 'exit 'a)
      (print 'not-printed))
    (print 'also-printed)
    (print 'another-printed))) ;⇒ A [prints PRINTED, ALSO-PRINTED, ANOTHER-PRINTED]

Condition Control Flow

handler-case expr [[{error-clause}* | no-error-clause]] ⇒ result*

Executes expr in a dynamic environment where various condition handlers are active. Each error-clause specifies how to handle a matching condition type. A no-error-clause allows a particular action if control returns normally.

(defun adder-test (a b)
  (handler-case (+ a b)
    (type-error () :wrong-type)
    (error (condition) (list :any-other-error condition))
    (:no-error (val) (list :success val))))

(adder-test 6 7)  ;⇒ (:SUCCESS 13)
(adder-test 6 'a) ;⇒ :WRONG-TYPE

handler-bind ((condition-type handler-function)*) forms* ⇒ result*

Executes forms in a dynamic environment where the condition handler-function bindings are active.

(handler-bind ((simple-error #'(lambda (condition)
                                 (print (list :got-error condition)))))
  (error 'simple-error)
  (print 'not-printed)) ;⇒ [prints (:GOT-ERROR #<SIMPLE-ERROR...>) and throws error

restart-case form {restarts*} ⇒ result*

Return values of form or, if during its evaluation one of the dynamically established restarts is called, the values of its restart-forms.

(restart-case (error 'simple-error)
  (do-nothing () nil)
  (do-something () (print 'doing-something)))
(defun run-test ()
  (print 'a)
  (error 'simple-error))

(defun run-handler (condition)
  (print 'b)
  (invoke-restart (find-restart :do-something))
  (print 'not-printed))

(defun run-restart ()
  (print 'c))

(handler-bind ((simple-error #'run-handler)) ;catch and run, invoke restart
  (restart-case (run-test)                   ;throws error
    (:do-nothing () nil)
    (:do-something () (run-restart)))) ;⇒ C [prints A, B, C]

with-simple-restart (name format-control format-arg) forms* ⇒ result

Return value of forms unless a restart is invoked, at which control is transferred to with-simple-restart, which returns two values, nil and t. The restart is a prompt at the debugger which serves as a position to resume from.

(with-simple-restart (abort "Return to command level.")
  (print 'a)
  (error "an error")
  (print 'not-printed))

Provide multiple restarts and prompt user for direction:

(defun collect-all-or-half (n)
  (let ((nums '())
        (halfway (floor (/ n 2))))
    (with-simple-restart (collect-half "Only collect ~a ?" halfway)
      (dotimes (i n)
        (with-simple-restart (collect-all "Collect all ~a ?" n)
         (if (= i halfway)
           (error "Prompt for number"))
         (push i nums))))
    (reverse nums)))

(collect-all-or-half 8) ;⇒ (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) [user selects COLLECT-ALL restart]
(collect-all-or-half 8) ;⇒ (0 1 2 3) [user selects COLLECT-HALF restart]






