Functional composition.
alexandria:compose fn &rest fns* ⇒ function
Compose function that applies its arguments to each in turn.
(compose #'fn2 #'fn1) ;⇒ (lambda (x) (fn2 (fn1 x)))
alexandria:multiple-value-compose fn &rest fns* ⇒ function
Compose functions that return multiple values. fn1(x,y) ⇒ fn2(x1,y1) ⇒ x2,y2
(funcall (multiple-value-compose #'fn2 #'fn1) x y) ;⇒ x2,y2
alexandria:disjoin pred &rest preds* ⇒ function
(disjoin #'zerop #'oddp) ;≈ (lambda (x) (or (zerop x) (oddp x)))
alexandria:conjoin pred &rest preds* ⇒ function
(conjoin #'zerop #'oddp) ;≈ (lambda (x) (and (zerop x) (oddp x)))
alexandria:curry fn &rest args* ⇒ function
(funcall (curry #'list 'a 'b) 'c 'd) ;⇒ (A B C D)
alexandria:rcurry fn &rest args* ⇒ function
(funcall (rcurry #'list 'a 'b) 'c 'd) ;⇒ (C D A B)
complement function ⇒ complement-function
Return new function with same arguments and side effects as function, but with the opposite truth value.
(funcall (complement #'numberp) 1) ;⇒ NIL
(funcall (complement #'member) 'd '(a b c)) ;⇒ T
(complement fn) ;≈ #'(lambda (&rest args) (not (apply fn args)))
constantly value ⇒ function
Return a function taking any number of arguments, which always returns value.
(setf f (constantly "hi"))
(funcall f) ;⇒ "hi"
(mapcar (constantly 3) '(a b c d)) ;⇒ (3 3 3 3)
identity object ⇒ object
Returns its own argument object. Intended for functions that require a function argument.
(identity 23) ;⇒ 23
(mapcan #'identity (list (list 1 2 3) '(4 5 6))) ;⇒ (1 2 3 4 5 6)